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Donating and Supporting

Dear readers,

we are offering all articles of this web magazine Irlandnews free of charge as a gift. You have free access to all current contributions and a total of 3700 articles from and about Ireland. There is no paywall on Irlandnews. The website is – apart from occasional self-promotion – completely clean, free of influence and advertising. We have opted out of toxic meta endorsements: Irelandnews is facebook-free.

It will stay that way. Because it costs money, time and lots of energy to produce Irlandnews, and because there are no longer sources of income to cross-fund it, we are asking for your financial support to cover costs in the future.

You can make a recurring gift or a one-off donation using the form below. Choose the amount that feels good, clear and right for you.

If your finances are tight, please do not give money. Instead, you can contact us to discuss other ways you can support our work with your skills. There are many possibilities: from technical help and translations to photo donations and video production. Send me an email at: if you are interested.

All the best and continue to enjoy reading.
Markus Bäuchle & the team of Irelandnews

Please note: The following form is set up for payments with Paypal, credit card and bank transfer. If you prefer a bank transfer, please fill in the form and our bank details will be sent to you by email. If you have any questions, please contact me at

Your Donation for Irlandnews:

This story / page is available in: German