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John Moriarty - The Soul´s Way


“Clear days bring the mountains down to my doorstep,
Calm nights give the rivers their say,
The wind puts its hand to my shoulder some evenings,
And then I don’t think,
I just leave what I’m doing
And I go the soul’s way.”
– John Moriarty

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John Moriarty

In Moriarty’s Universe we regularly present a thought from Irish nature philosopher John Moriarty. The writer, gardener and soul traveller became known for his insights and mystical view of post-modern life. John was born on 2 February 1938 in Moyvane, County Kerry and died on 1 June 2007 at his home at the foot of Mangerton Mountain near Killarney. John Moriarty lived an extraordinary life in nature and left behind a rich body of work that gives us clear insights into the human condition as well as profound insights into the failure of the human species and possible ways out of the impasse in which we are trapped today.

Here at Irlandnews we introduce the life and work of John Moriarty for the first time to a German-speaking readership. You can find the current series on the Irish nature philosopher here: KlicK






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Photos: John Moriarty courtesy The John Moriarty Institute; The Paps East (top): Markus Bäuchle

This story / page is available in: German